✎ Juan Pablo Rodríguez Malaver

✎ Diego Aguilera

Orinoco Crocodile
Crocodylus intermediusOrinoquia region
Museo de Historia Natural
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Orinoco Crocodile
Crocodylus intermedius
They produce chemical signals through the gular and paracloacal glands located under the lower jaw and in the walls of the cloaca respectively, these are used during mating and nesting activities.
They have valvular nostrils regulated by smooth muscles with paired nasal cavities, these structures are of great help to detect prey and carrion.
Dermal plates
The dorsal dermal plates have osteoderms, calcified structures that give them greater hardness and serve as protection.
They reach sexual maturity at twelve years in males and between 7-10 years in females or at 260 and 240 cm in total length respectively. They present a polygynous mating strategy with multiple paternity, the position is carried out on large beaches without any inclination, close to the riparian vegetation; the female digs a nest 35 to 57 cm deep where she lays between 20 and 70 eggs, the incubation takes about 70 to 95 days. Presents parental care which covers a period between three weeks and three months.
Orinoco Crocodile
Its distribution covers the entire Orinoco river basin (Colombia and Venezuela) below 500 m. In Colombia we can find it in areas limited by the Arauca and Meta rivers to the north, the foothills to the west, the Guaviare river to the south and the Orinoco river to the east. It inhabits the great water courses and floodplains of the lowlands, it is found in greater abundance in clear waters.
Distribution area